This year again, the program of the European Heritage Days is very rich on the destination Saturday 21 and Sunday 22 September 2024 !

50 Years of Role Playing Games Festival in Senlis
Saturday 21 and Sunday 22 September
On these European Heritage Days, the town of Senlis is hosting the Rôles de Jeux festival at a number of historic sites, celebrating 50 years of a still young and often little-known activity that is bursting with creativity.
Role-playing games are turning the first page in their history, having been around for half a century. Originating in the world of historical battle games with miniatures, role-playing games revolutionised the world of games in 1974 by moving towards a new form of fiction: competition gave way to a live, collective, interactive adventure full of suspense.
On the programme: trade fair, round tables, exhibitions, conferences, games, author signings...
Lace Museum
in Chantilly
Saturday 21 and Sunday 22 September
The Musée de la dentelle in Chantilly is hosting a retrospective on the forty-year whimsical career of Fifi Chachnil, stylist, lingerie designer and singer...
Le fil de l'histoire" highlights the colourful life and work of Fifi Chachnil, who for four decades has been adding salt and spirit to the finery and lingerie of her contemporaries. Lingerie, photographs, costumes, videos, clips...
On the programme: meetings, guided tours, concerts, demonstrations...

Museums as well as cultural and heritage sites will make you (re)discover their treasures:
Château de Chantilly, St Pierre de Senlis church, museums, Princes' vegetable garden, Chaalis estate, St Vincent high school, Gothic cellars...
On the occasion of the European Heritage Days, sites and private places will exceptionally be open to the public.
Multiple exhibitions are offered by museums, art galleries and the artists themselves.
To make sure you don't miss a thing: Download the full program !